Klo yang ini, gw sering nemu masalah pas baru nginstall WICD ke linux. Pengalaman ini sih gw dapet pas di turunan debian sama slackware, gak tw dah yg laen gmana. Jadi tiap gw buka wicd, dia bisa cari sinyal tapi semua ssid-nya namanya <hidden> dan pastinya gak bs konek. Gw coba-coba nemu solusinya gini:
1. buka terminal
2. matiin WICD
killall wicd
3. Buka /etc/wicd/wireless-settings.conf
nano /etc/wicd/wireless-settings.conf
4. ganti essid yang tadinya essid=<hidden> jadi essid=namaessidnya
5. simpan
pencet ctrl+x
6. pencet y, terus pencet enter
7. restart WICD
wicd restart
cobadah, moga bs jg
(tested on ubuntu, linuxmint debian, n slackware)
It depends eniretly on what the server is expected to do. If you are looking for a stable and secure platform for services that are to be exposed to the internet you may choose one platform, if you are looking for something that easily integrates with a windows environment and has lots of pretty widgets for administration you may choose another. A great deal of it comes down to the personal taste of the administrator, what type of package management system (RPM, Deb, Pkg, etc) he prefers, and what type of start up scriptsdirectory structures he’s confortable with. Ultimately most of the major linux distributions have something unique and desirable to offer (otherwise they wouldn’t be around for too long). One other thing that may influence the decision is the need for commercial applications, you are more likely to use one of the big box flavors if you need Oracle or other business software support. Finally, it depends on the size of the support staff at the company in question and how heavily they will need to lean on the support (or lack thereof) provided by the software distributor.